Why Traveling Is So Important
Anyone who has felt the call of wanderlust knows the immense impact travel can have on your life. There’s the excitement and anticipation of planning a trip, the frenetic joy that comes with leaving, and the world of wonder that opens up when you explore a new place.
Written by Echo Wang | Edited by Bianca Versoza
Anyone who has felt the call of wanderlust knows the immense impact travel can have on your life. There’s the excitement and anticipation of planning a trip, the frenetic joy that comes with leaving, and the world of wonder that opens up when you explore a new place.
Aside from the fun of it, there are a multitude of reasons why travel is important.
Personal Reasons
Travel develops you as a person, first and foremost. When you think about all you discover about yourself during your travels, it becomes clear why travel is important to your personal development.
While you create memories, you are breaking out of your comfort zone. And with that breaking free from the norm, you gain a perspective about your life and where you fit in the world. All the while, you have the chance to live in the present while relieving yourself of the stress and mundane of your day-to-day life.
Plus, stepping outside of your comfort zone allows you to prove something to yourself. You’ll likely gain self-confidence, all while potentially finding something new to love!
Professional Reasons
Employers love people who travel. There’s a unique perspective you bring to the table when you’ve had the chance to travel around the world. And that’s why it looks great on a resume to explain the time you’ve spent traveling and learning about new cultures and people.
When you travel, you open yourself up to creativity in a new way. Creative thinkers tend to do better at business than those who don’t think outside of the box, so to speak.
Suppose you’re an entrepreneurial person. In that case, there’s no better place to think of a business idea than while you travel. One reason is that you’re becoming exposed to a new corner of the world. In each corner of the world, you’ll find a problem that needs to be solved. On your next trip, see what trouble you could solve and find your next business idea.
Cultural Reasons
One of the best parts of traveling is learning about a new culture. There’s something incredibly satisfying about seeing how a different group of people live and interact with the world. As you learn about a new culture, you develop a perspective about your own culture and how it functions in the world.
Aside from new habits and traditions, discovering new cultures means delicious new cuisines. As these unique flavor combinations and dishes collide with what you already know, you have the bonus of appreciating your homeland.
Educational Reasons
Experience is a great teacher, and no experience teaches quite like travel. In exploring new cultures, you learn about people, traditions, and diversity. With an increasingly global existence, this is an unbeatable education for anyone.
Along the way, you may find yourself picking up new languages and customs. Not only is this culturally significant, but it’s also a way of educating yourself on people, the world you live in, and the history of humankind.
Social Reasons
Finally, there’s no denying that travel can improve your social life, as well. When you travel by yourself, you have the luxury of meeting new people and developing lifelong friendships built on a bond of shared experiences. If you’re traveling with other people, those relationships will be tested and strengthened through the stress and excitement of traveling.
Above all, you’ll have incredible stories to tell. With every memory you make, there will be a story tied to it. For the rest of your life, you’ll be able to reflect on and share those histories with others, ultimately bettering their lives as well as your own.